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Learners who attend Quest present a range of challenging and complex needs.

Whilst all are able to access the National Curriculum in a modified format, their learning and needs profiles may be different from other children and young people of their age.

Our overriding aim is to capitalise on each learner’s areas of strength and interests and help them to overcome their barriers to learning.

Personalised Learning and Inclusion

We recognise learners’ strengths, needs and interests and build on these to promote achievement and success relative to each learner’s circumstances and ambitions.  We plan and adapt provision and learning opportunities to meet learners' needs linked to their priorities for learning. (PALs)

We identify our learners’ needs through:

  • EHCP and Annual Review process
  • Quest team around the child meetings (QTAC)
  • Personal Development Plan (PDP) reviews
  • Continuous Assessment process

We are committed to providing our learners with the best authentic learning opportunities as children learn best from first-hand experience. To develop a full understanding of a concept a child must have relevant, practical learning experiences in different situations. We strive to provide opportunities to practice and apply learning in many contexts in order to master each skill. 

Learners follow personalised learning pathways in line with their priority areas of learning (PALs) and their likes and interests. These are captured in their Ready for Life Road Maps.

Learning is further facilitated through the school’s “blended therapy“ approach to supporting learners in class.