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Family Footings

Working in partnership with everyone that has involvement with our learners is key to our ethos of ‘putting children and families first’.

Our Family Footings Facilitators:

  • Work closely with the learners at Quest Academy and their families to ensure that their opinions and perspectives are reflected in how we support them at school
  • Introduce families to the benefits of using person centred thinking tools and other skills to assist parents/carers when they are interacting with professionals involved in their children’s lives.
  • Support families through the life of the school. They offer flexible, honest and accessible support.

You can contact our Family Footings Facilitators, on 01788 593 112.


Home Visits to get to know the learner and their families before their first day at school so that we can offer the best start possible to this new environment.

Settling in / Transition

Working with classroom staff to:

  • Track the needs of our learners and what works best for their families to ensure a smooth start to their school life
  • Helping our learners to adapt to new people and new environments


  • Regular ways to check that each learner is getting the right personalised education that makes sense to them – this is informally and in formal review settings
  • Opportunities to develop support networks for families