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SMSC and Fundamental British Values


In November 2014 the Department for Education published strengthened guidance on improving the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of young children and adolescents, including the requirement for schools to promote a set of fundamental British values with the aim of ensuring learners leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.

Why is developing values literacy so important?

When we understand our own values, other people’s values, the values influencing society and the values affecting our environment, we are better able to choose and skilfully and consistently apply appropriate values within different contexts, thereby positively impacting real-life situations.        

Fundamental British Values

       At Quest Academy we ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of:

· democracy

· the rule of law

· individual liberty

· mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

             -They are an integral part of our Teaching and Learning process across the curriculum,         

              supporting the development of the ‘whole child’.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)

Quest Academy has a strong commitment to the personal and social development of all stakeholders.  The school vision and values, created by staff, learners and parents supports spiritual, moral, social and cultural characteristics in all learners. 

We believe:

  • SMSC is about how children and young people make sense of the world and other people; how they interact with other people; and the sort of person they are and are becoming.
  • SMSC is as much about how children are taught as what they are taught.
  • SMSC is not something that happens in isolation – it is linked and inter-connected to everything the school does and what kind of place it is.


SPIRITUAL development as shown by learners:

  • Explore beliefs and experience;
  • respect faiths, feelings and values;
  • enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world;
  • use imagination and creativity;
  • reflect.


MORAL development as shown by learners:

  • Recognise right and wrong;
  • respect the law;
  • understand consequences;
  • investigate moral and ethical issues;
  • offer reasoned views.


SOCIAL development as shown by learners:

  • Use a range of social skills;
  • participate in the local community;
  • appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate;
  • resolve conflict;
  • engage with the 'British values' of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.


CULTURAL development of learners is shown by their ability to:

  • Appreciate cultural influences;
  • appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system;
  • participate in culture opportunities;
  • understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

Embedding Values throughout the curriculum:

It is the responsibility of Teachers and staff to:

  • Consider FBV/SMSC in all planning.
  • Explicitly teach in Daily Form Time
  • Conduct Focus Days to raise profile across the school
  • Deliver exciting assemblies linked to values.
  • Encourage pupil voice at every opportunity- maintain an active school council
  • Support the school in achieving Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Award.
  • Teach PSHCE, SRE and RE lessons following the school’s Long Term Plans to ensure breadth of study for all learners