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Quest Consultation Questionnaire

Proposal to expand the age range at Quest from School Year 5-13 to Year 3-13

We are keen to hear your feedback and comments. Please take the time to read our consultation outline and complete this quick questionnaire.

Your feedback is very important to us.

The consultation period will run from Monday 1st October 2018 to 2nd November 2018

Overall, are you in favour of the proposed lowered age range?*
Do you support our vision and ethos?*
Please indicate the importance you attach to the core parts of our vision (score 1 - 3 with 1 being the most important).*
 Most Important23
The school is for local children/young people and their families
It is run in co-production with parents and carers
It supports young people to improve their own well-being, focusing on their communication, social, emotional and mental health.
It has a holistic and non-judgmental and personalised approach that empowers the child/ young person to engage in education
It has a personalised approach to learning
It provides an environment that is safe and enjoyable
It supports children to achieve their full potential
Do you support our intention to increase our total pupil numbers to 100 by expanding our age range from September 2019?*

Thank you for your interest in Quest Academy and for taking the time to fill out this survey.