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Welcome to Alan Turning Class

June/July 2022 - Summer term 2- Week 3, 4 & 5

It's been a busy three weeks in Alan Turing as we start to near the end of this academic year, the summer weather has started to make an appearance, and the sun has been shining which has given us more opportunities to get outside and be active. Some learners have been enjoying helping Cathy to plant and water the vegetables that we will use during our cooking lessons or sell at the Quest shop.

During our P.E lessons this half-term our learners have been learning new cricket skills, bating, throwing, and catching before taking part in game of cricket to round off the end of each lesson, this seems to be a popular choice with all learners getting involved and enjoying trying to catch each other out. During our Art lessons the learners have all created a war themed painting on canvas using black, grey and white paints which they blended to create a landscape before adding black silhouette soldiers and red poppies. All the learners worked hard on their canvas with some amazing looking pictures which they will be taking home. During our Maths lessons we have been looking at the different types of angles and how we can identify them by comparing and drawing whilst following instruction. In our English lessons we have been busy planning and writing a poem, using rhyming couplets. The learners were encouraged to create a poem about a monster by initially creating a plan, then drawing their own monster and writing a description about what it looks like, where it may live, if it's a good or bad monster, along with any other details that they may have wanted to add, we had some fantastic poems! This was finished off by a visit from a real poet who came into school and helped us learn more about poetry. During our science lessons we have been discussing cells and organisation along with calculating the population of bacteria after a period of time. We followed this by conducting an experiment in which we had two petri dishes, in the first we rubbed our unwashed fingers around the bottom of the dish, we repeated this in the second dish but this time we washed our hands with alcohol gel first. We then sealed both dishes and left them in a warm and dark cupboard and left them for a week. It was shocking to see how much bacteria had grown in just a week, even in the ones where we had cleaned our hands! 

During our forest school lessons we successfully managed to light the fire ! This has been a huge achievement as we have spent weeks practising ! It was just typical though that the sun was out, and the day was hot enough without a fire! We also had great fun discovering the pond in the newly developed area at the back of the school field especially as there are some great trees for climbing!

As it's nearly the end of the school year we have also been busy completing the GL assessments which will allow us to target their learning at their correct academic levels next year. All our learners coped extremely well with these so as a reward we spent a day offsite, firstly at showcase cinema Coventry where we watched the new minion film, followed by lunch at McDonalds.

June 2022 - Summer term 2- Week 1 & 2

It was lovely to welcome all our learners back following a restful half-term. They all appeared happy to be back and quickly settled back into their school routine.

 The first lesson of the term was our P.E lesson where we played cricket, working on bowling, bating and fielding, every learner engaged well, and all gave it 100%.  Our art lesson focussed on the anniversary of D-Day, were we created a sunset using paint then placed silhouettes of the soldiers and aircraft over the top. During Science have been looking at the difference between painkillers and antibiotics, we discussed what happens when you fail to take a full prescribed course of antibiotics and the effect this would have. In English, we have been looking at poetry, concentrating on onomatopoeia, techniques and rhyming couplets, this was a difficult concept, however, learner's all had a go at writing their own poem using rhyming couplets. Maths has been about measuring angles and understanding the different angles and their measurements. As the sunshine decided to make an appearance, we have been able to enjoy some time outside, playing football and over at the tepee using the exercise equipment. In wellbeing we have spent time in music room and playing card games.

During our second week back, our main focus has been to complete our GL assessments, these will enable us to work out what academic levels are learners are working at ready for next year. This has meant we have not followed our normal weekly timetable and as they can be quite stressful, we have broken it up with lots of structured free time. It's also been very warm in our classroom we have tried to spend time outside to help cool us down.  We finished the week off with a class water fight on the field, which was great fun and helped cool us down, most of the learners joined in and we all had great fun throwing water balloons at each other! This was followed by a lesson with the black knight historical group who took us back in time to what it would have been like to be a pirate, all the learners got involved and enjoyed a game of tug of war before checking out what weapons the pirates used to fight with.

May 2022 - Summer term 1- Week 5 & 6

It's been quite a relaxed last couple of weeks as we count down until half term, with all learners engaging well both with their learning and socially. As a class we have been lucky to receive quite a few new card/board games which as a class we have had great fun trying them all out to find our favourite, Cockroach poker is fast becoming a firm favourite!

Over the last couple of weeks during our English lessons we have been looking at understanding a range of texts, identifying, and interpreting implicit information and ideas.

During maths lessons we have been learning about graphs and how we read them and how to compare the information. In science , we are continuing to look at DNA. We compared DNA and discussed why DNA differentiates things between us that we inherit from our parents. The learners then were asked to create a DNA profile using jelly babies.

During Art we have been creating pictures of transport by using train tickets, either with a template or our own designs. 

During our ACE lesson last week, we visited Dunchurch Baptist church , we were given a tour of the newly built church and talked about the church's religion and the various meetings that take place and what the church is used for, we ended the tour with a challenge of who could find the oldest gravestone.

We've had great fun in our PE lessons as we have been learning how to play cricket, all our learners certainly have a natural talent for it!

We hope all our learners have a lovely half term break and we look forward to welcoming them all back on Monday 6th June.

May 2022 - Summer term 1- Week 4

On Tuesday  Alan Turing class were given the opportunity to visit Dunchurch Baptist Church during their ACE (Adventure, Community and Enterprise) lesson. Our learners have written their thoughts and what they enjoyed most during the visit:

There was a room called the ‘quiet room’ where they read stories to children, in the room there is also a ‘prayer tree’ where you can write a prayer for someone you are thinking about, which I did (Billy).

 - “I could not believe that they have a band which has someone who plays the bass like me” (Sacha) however he would have preferred if he could have actually played himself!

- “I was so shocked to see a pool at the front of the church and was confused to why a church has a swimming pool” (Jack) we then listened and learnt that the pool was actually where people are baptised to reaffirm their belief in god. The class were all  given the opportunity to go in and have a look.

· “I was surprised when I first saw the building as its overall structure was different to what I associate with churches, however once inside I found it a very pleasant place” (Alfie).

· “When we went outside we got to look at the old gravestones, we were then challenged to see if who could find the oldest gravestone, I didn’t like this though as it meant we had to walk on the graves which I think is disrespectful” (Rory).

· “I enjoyed visiting the church because its brand new and it helped me understand what other new churches might look like in the future and how many different ways there are to respect god” (Matty)

May 2022 - Summer term 1- Week 1 & 2

We've had a great first couple of weeks back following the Easter holidays with all learners appearing happy and relaxed following their much-needed two-week break. It was great to hear all about what everyone got up to during the holidays even if it wasn't much.

We have had a busy couple week's getting back into our normal routines and engaging with learning. Everyone has been working hard and engaging well, during our maths lessons we have started to look at the volume, perimeter, and area of a shape and understanding how we can calculate each one. In our English lessons we continue to write, edit, and improve our creative writing stories which are all amazing! we have some fantastic creative minds at work and I'm enjoying reading everyone's work .

During science we have looked at our understanding of metals and non - metals looking at the properties of Alkali metals,  we are hoping to watch an experiment with Ryan in the science lab which will help embed our understanding.

This half term we started our RSE lessons again with the first lesson's focus being on relationships followed by 'what is sexual attraction'. All the learners engaged well during the lessons and respected each other's comments and opinions.

During our food tech lessons we continue to build our portfolios whilst also enjoying the practical lessons in which the learners can further develop their independent cooking skills.

During our Art lesson the learners all made a landscape mosaic, they used different materials to rip into small pieces before sticking them together to design a landscape of their choice. 

During week 2 we received several new card and board games which we have been playing during our choose time to decide which ones are top favourites, so far, we love 'exploding kittens' which we are all becoming slightly addicted!


April 2022 - Spring term 2 - Week 5 & 6

Well, it's been a strange couple of weeks in Alan Turing as we have had to activate the contingency plan due to the increase in covid cases within school which has had an impact on staffing levels. As a class we have had 5 learners in each day instead of our normal 10 so it has seemed very quiet! Thankfully for our final week of this term we have been back to full staff, so all learners were welcomed back.

During English we have been looking at inventions that have helped to make our lives easier before discussing as a class what we felt the best ones have been over time. We then worked at developing our own for the future. The boys could choose anything they wanted to design but had to give a detailed description and information of what it does and how it will work before making a prototype model using either play-doh or Lego. During our final week of the term, we have been developing our creative writing skills. During maths we have looked at algebra and how we can divide, multiply, add or subtract using numbers and letters before moving on to look at calculating measurements. In Science we have we have been looking at elements, atoms, and compounds, metals and non - metals and the periodic table. This half term our creative curriculum lessons have been run by our speech and language therapist Amy who has been helping us to recognise how someone may be feeling by reading their facial expressions and their body language. For our ACE lessons we continue with forest school on Monday's and on Tuesday's we have been walking to our local park which all the learners enjoy as they can run around and have lots of fun together. 

We hope you all have a very enjoyable Easter break, and we look forward to welcoming all our learners back for the final term on Monday 25th April.

March 2022 - Spring term 2 - Week 1 & 2 

Well after a well-earned half term break Alan Turing returned with their batteries recharged and ready to learn ! Over the last two weeks we have been involved in lots of learning and during our art lessons we learnt about the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who created art using fruit and vegetables, the class were given a choice to draw their own or cut and stick various fruit and vegetables that Toni-Anne had printed , they then created portraits of people using the various fruits . The learners created some fantastic pieces and showed great imagination .

In Maths we have been talking about the properties of shape and discussed edges , verities, and faces. In English we have been taking part in class discussions, in which we have been discovering how different inventions have made a difference in our lives now, the learners have written about what they use and enjoy in life today and what the alternative would be years ago. We have also celebrated world book day and most of our learners keenly took part, coming into school excitedly dressed as their favourite characters. We were then able to share stories of the characters we chose during our English lesson to tie in with this.

During Science we have looked at Air resistance and friction where we explored different experiments and developed an understanding on mass , weight, and gravity and how friction works.

During our Ace lessons this half term we will continue with our forest school on Mondays followed by visits to Rugby Art Gallery and Museum on Tuesdays. The first visit we looked at social history of Rugby, followed by how Romans settled near Rugby on our second visit.

February 2022 - Spring term 1 - week 5,6 & 7

We've had a good final week of the first half term of 2022, as you are aware we also welcomed Ofsted into school for our first inspection. Both the inspectors came to observe in our class and were impressed by how well all our learners engaged with their learning, they certainly did us proud!

This week during English we have looked at how we can use adverbials to improve sentences and then how we can write cohesively. In maths we are continuing with our entry level maths papers with this week completing papers on money and time. During science we started the week by discovering how we can measure forces before moving on to look at mass, weight, and gravity. During Art we discussed all the aspects we have learnt during this half term before making a net of a cube we then made into a 3D shape of a house. Yesterday we all went to food tech and made either a pancake, flap jacks or bacon and egg sandwiches. During our creative curriculum lesson, we have started to look at the events that surrounded the 1857 Indian Rebellion, what caused it and the impact this had on the people of India. During PE, this half term we have been focussing on football our practising our skills 

We hope you all have a lovely half term break and look forward to welcoming our learners back on Monday 28th February.

January 2022 - Spring Term 1 - week 3 & 4

It's been a very busy couple of weeks in Alan Turing and our learners have all been working hard.

Over the last 2 weeks during our English lessons, we have been focussing on how we can compose different types of sentences, how to correctly punctuate them and how to understand and create noun phrases, in maths we have been learning how to calculate positions in the first quadrant and how to translate a shape on a grid. During science we have looked at sex cells and the fertilisation process as well as understanding what takes place during the female menstrual cycle. During our creative curriculum lesson, we are continuing discovering the life of Buddha and his journey to enlightenment. We have enjoyed making biscuits in food tech, had fun at the park and in our Art lessons we have started to make a clock with this week working on our designs.

January 2022 - Spring Term 1 - week 1 & 2

It was great to welcome all our learners  back into Alan Turing following the Christmas and New year break, they all appeared happy to  back and excitedly shared their holiday news and what gifts they had received.

Over the last two weeks during English we have been working on our creative writing pieces, we have been editing our stories and adding descriptive language to enable the reader to understand the characters and scene settings in more detail. During maths, we have been comparing and ordering when using a denominator, adding, and subtracting fractions and looking at equivalent fractions. During our science lessons we have looked at the differences between heat energy and temperature and understanding energy, power, and domestic bills. In our creative curriculum lesson, we have now started to look at religion and beliefs with this week's focus being on the story of the birth of Buddha and his childhood.  On Tuesday we had our first ACE community lesson, we walked to a local park using our road safety skills before having lots of class fun playing in the park.

December 2021 - Autumn term 2 - week 6 & 7

We've had a more relaxed couple of weeks in Alan Turing as we started our count-down towards the Christmas break. We have enjoyed many fun activities such as Christmas jumper day, Christmas lunch, decorating the classroom, watching a live online Panto, watching Christmas films, and playing Christmas games & quizzes plus playing on the class Wii.

We also continued with our academic learning and during the last two weeks in our English lessons we have been further developing our creative writing skills, during maths we have been looking at fractions and improper fractions, made some yummy food in food tech and in Art we have been designing either a shopping or boot bag.

Today we will be enjoying a class party and playing some Christmas games to end our first term.

Have a lovely Christmas for us all in Alan Turing, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on January 5th.

November 2021 - Autumn Term 2 - Week 4 & 5

It's been an odd couple of weeks in Alan Turing with only having half the class in on alternate days.  Unfortunately, due to staff illness the school needed to activate our contingency plan. Despite it being challenging our learners coped well with the changes to their normal school routines, and we are very proud of them. Our class learning objectives remained the same and over the last 2 weeks we have tried to keep things as normal as possible and continue with our planned learning tasks.

During English lessons we have started to watch the movie 'Wonder', we are watching one character's story at a time before then comparing what is the same or different between the book and the film. During maths, we have started to look at division and how we can use it to solve problems. In our science lessons we have looked at evaporation, chromatography, distillation and energy stores and transfers. During our creative curriculum lessons, we are continuing with our weather topic and have been discovering how clouds form and what the different types of clouds are. 

We have also had fun being creative, in Art we have been designing our own Christmas cards, chocolate bar wrapper and drink label, in food we have been creating our own dishes using different meats, sea food and vegetables and in ACE we have been busy painting the teepee's and garden veg boxes before enjoying marshmallows, soup and toast cooked on the fire.

November 2021 - Autumn Term 2 - Week 1,2 & 3

It was great to welcome all our learners back to school following a restful half-term.  As we start this half-term the Quest point system has been re- introduced with learners being able to achieve either silver, gold platinum or diamond reward each week. The learners that earn 98% or above in a week will have the option of either a food or off-site reward. The last two weeks the learners who managed to achieve Diamond enjoyed either a bowling trip or McDonald's on the week 2 and then this week their laser quest trip.

Over the last few weeks we have completed reading/listening to the novel ' Wonder' and recapped the story and characters during our English lessons.. During maths, we have been using multiplication to solve problems and during our science lesson looked at filtration, taking part in a practical lesson in which we filtered sand and water through filter paper we placed in a funnel and then recorded our results 

Over the last few weeks during our forest school sessions, as well as building dens, building, and lighting out fire pit to enjoy hot chocolate we have been getting involved in painting the Tepee's and vegetable boxes which has been messy but great fun!

October 2021 - Autumn Term 1 - Week 5 & 6

It's been a busy couple of weeks again in Alan Turing as we count down until our first half-term of this academic year. I think I can speak for us all and say we are more than ready for the break! 

Over the last two weeks we busy learning , during English we have been demonstrating our understanding of our novel ' Wonder' by answering questions based on the character Jack Will and what different feelings and emotions he felt towards Auggie when they first met and how they changed as they become friends. During our maths lesson we have been concentrating on our times tables and each learner has focussed on any times tables they find the most challenging This week in science we had a practical lesson in which we timed how long a liquid took to change state into a solid, working in groups we all had different roles to ensure we could get the best results. For our creative curriculum lesson, we continued looking at what life would have been like to live during Tudor times with this week focus being on the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and what kind of ruler she was and how the country felt about being ruled by a woman.

This week we have had fun playing with our Lego education sets. Working in pairs we followed the online instructions to build different designs of motor vehicles then watching them drive around the classroom.

We hope all our learners have a great half term and a well-deserved rest before returning November 4th.

October 2021 - Autumn Term 1 - Week 3 & 4

It's been a busy couple of weeks in Alan Turing and everyone has been working hard to complete all their work.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have continued looking at cells during science before this week moving on to organs and their functions. During maths, we have learnt how to round numbers, understand negative numbers, and add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits.  During English, we are continuing with our book 'wonder' looking more closely at the characters and their personalities. 

We also enjoyed our cooking lessons where we made fruit crumbles which I'm sure our parents enjoyed!

This week we had the school nursing team come in to administer the Covid vaccine to those learners who chose to have it to help protect themselves and others form the virus. Despite feeling nervous the boys did extremely well, and we were very proud of the way they coped despite their anxieties.

September 2021 - Autumn Term 1 - Week 1 & 2

It's been great to welcome all our learners back into Alan Turing for what we are hoping to be much better year following all the disruptions last year due to covid!

We have enjoyed listening to what they all got up to during their summer holidays which they have spoken passionately about and watching them re-establish the friendship bonds they made with each other last year.

Over the last two weeks we have settled into our new class routines, started our new timetable, and welcomed a new learner into Alan Turing.

During Maths we have been looking at place values with numbers up to a million, in English we have started reading/listening to 'Wonder' which is a heart-warming tale of a young boy with a facial disfigurement. We have been looking deeply into the main characters and exploring their emotions and feelings of how it might feel meeting someone for the first time with a facial disfiguration.

During science we have used microscopes to look closely at different types of animal and plant cells before revisiting the make-up of both types of cells. We also had our first computing lesson taught by Sam (Computing lead); this was a great lesson in which the class got to throw stuffed toys at him as he attempted to use coding the learners were giving him to get his naughty piggy out of the room. During our Art lesson we discussed rules, particularly what rules we need for the Art room before each learner designed their own Art Acrostic.

July - Summer Term 2 - Weeks 4, 5 & 6

It's been a very busy few weeks for us in Alan Turing as we near the end of this academic year. 

Over the last couple of weeks we have been completing our GL assessments to allow us to see what progress our learners have made during this very difficult year!

Despite this, we have still found time to have fun! We have enjoyed making ice cream with Cathy for our first ever Questival and discovered what it was like to be a soldier during the war when a performing arts company came into school. The class had great fun learning the drill call whilst standing to attention with their pretend riffles, throwing a grenade into the safety bunker (rubber of course) and scrambling through the obstacle course whilst carrying an injured soldier on a stretcher. The class did amazing and with fantastic teamwork the casualty made it safely through.

We all greatly enjoyed our first ever Questival. Throughout the day we were able to experience and learn new skills by taking part in a steel drum and circus skills workshops. Both were great fun and enjoyed by all. The final part of the day in which we got to visit the Questival was fantastic, we were able to listen to the band (year 9 learners) before having a go at some activities on offer such as 'Football Shoot Out' where the learners were able to win a football shirt (this activity was hugely popular!) 

We look forward to celebrating our final week next week, and I'm sure we will have many fun activities to enjoy before we break up on Friday.

June/July - Summer Term 2 - Week 2 & 3

It's been a busy couple of weeks in Alan Turing as we returned to our normal timetable.

Over the last two weeks in maths, we have been recapping translation using co-ordinates and lines of symmetry, during English we completed our Alex Rider book, then watched the film before comparing the differences and similarities between them both, we also looked at commas in complex sentences.

In science, we have been looking at habitats and how the changing environment has a direct impact on the survival of different species and what we can do to help prevent this.

This week during our Art lesson we looked at the artist David Hockney, discussed his paintings and the different styles he has done. We then had a go at creating our own landscapes.

During food tech we have made our own burgers, ice-cream and spicy chicken and during forest school lessons we have built dens, whittled wood, built up a fire and made our own food such as pasta bolognaise which we cooked over the fire before all sitting around the fire to enjoy the food.

June - Summer Term 2 - Week 1

It was lovely to welcome back all our learners this week following a glorious half-term of sunshine. We are now on the countdown to end of term which we are all looking forward too!

This week during maths we have been calculating length and angles of shapes, during English we have continued to the next chapter of Alex Rider and then learnt how to skim read information to retrieve the most important facts.

During Science, we managed to enjoy some outdoor learning whilst trying to find insects as we learnt about the different types of vertebrates and invertebrates. We also enjoyed cooking burgers and bacon on the fire pit during forest school.

Friday was our 'big thank you' day, and we were all treated to an ice cream which was very delicious!

May - Summer Term 1 - Week 5 & 6 

The last 2 weeks have been busy for Alan Turing as we started to prepare for our well-deserved half-term break! We are all keeping our fingers crossed for sunshine. We also welcomed our new TA Carole into our class who has already become a very valuable member of the class team. Katie will still join us on a Friday, so we still get to spend time with her.

During maths, we have been looking at the different types of angles and how to measure them, before moving on to look at the properties of different 2D shapes. In English, we have been reading the story of Jack Rider, discovering his adventures of becoming a spy before looking back and recapping the story so far and discussing the key points. In science, we have looked at the food chain and during Art we made a mannequin template moving them into different positions to represent various sporting activities. This half-term we have also started to cook our own food during forest school which the learners have particularly enjoyed eating!

During creative curriculum we have been designing our own theme parks based our interests, these have included designing a food and snacks menu and a mascot to represent our parks.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back for the final half-term! Have a lovely and enjoyable break.

May 2021 - Summer Term 1 - Week 2 & 3

Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning lots of new skills in Alan Turing. 

During our ACE lessons we have worked within small teams to make a den to shelter from the rain. We have also started to look at street artists to gain ideas for our charity mugs or T-Shirt designs which we will be selling in the Quest shop soon.

In our PE lessons we have moved onto unihock and each week we have been developing our hockey skills.

During our maths lessons we have been working on decimals and percentages whilst in English we are reading/listening to the story of Alex Rider.

Finally, during our Art lessons, we have been looking at the work of Keith Haring and how he created words from letters using people and creating our own.

April 2021 - Summer Term 1 - Week 1

It was lovely to welcome all our learners back into school this week, all refreshed from their Easter break and ready and eager to learn!

This week we have been focussing on decimal's during maths and in English we are reading/listening to the story of Alex Rider which is an action/adventure story which all appear to be enjoying.

In PE, we have changed sport to hockey which all the learners enjoyed and all very good at too.

We have also enjoyed our time outside (enjoying the warmer weather) during our ACE lesson in which we are again using the forest school area.

This half-term we will be making bread dough and cooking it on our open fire, decorating small bird boxes and putting them up for the birds to hopefully nest in.

March/April 2021 - Spring Term 2 - Week 5 & 6

Over the last two weeks we have finished off our stories in English and 'what makes me, me' PowerPoints in creative curriculum. We have also carried on with our work on fractions in maths, starting to learn more on adding fractions with different denominators. During art in the last couple of weeks we have been making cardboard animals/insects using different tools some of us have not used before, which many enjoyed. We have also carried on with forest school making toast last week and marshmallow s'mores this week. We have all enjoyed starting the fire, making shelters and, this week, having a fun Easter egg hunt. Finally, the whole class have enjoyed the basketball term in P.E, improve their 'lay-ups', shooting skills and teamwork. 

March 2021 - Spring Term 2 - Week 3 & 4 

We welcomed all our learners back into school during week 3 and it was great to see them all back together again, it was lovely to see how excited they all were to be reunited as they all came back together again.

During week 3 we enjoyed STEM week with lots of fun activities such as making butter, cheese and yoghurt in food tech to making our own rockets to launch outside, this helped make a smoother transition back for everyone.

During week 4 we returned to our normal timetable, during food tech we made our own meatballs and pasta, during English we continued looking at conjunctions and in maths we continue working out improper fractions. This week we also started our on-site forest school lessons which were great fun, we made a fire which we then boiled water to make hot chocolate and cooked toast over the fire using the sticks we whittled to hold the bread in place.

March 2021 - Spring term 2 - Week 1 & 2

It's been a busy two weeks in Alan Turing as we get ready to welcome all our learners back next week!

Since returning from half term, we have started to learn about improper fractions and mixed numbers, during our English lessons we are discovering how to use character descriptions and sentence structure to enable us to write a descriptive story. During creative curriculum we have started to design a PowerPoint detailing our hobbies and interests and during food tech we have made scrummy cookies and vegetable soup.

Today we have celebrated world book day and enjoyed seeing all our learners dressed in their costumes.

We look forward to seeing all our learners in Alan Turning back on Wednesday 10th March.

February 2021 - Spring term 1 - Week 6

This week we enjoyed a snow day before returning to school for our final week before spring half term which we are looking forward to as it's been a busy 6 weeks!

This week's learning has seen us create an information leaflet about Hercules and his 12 labours, plus look at the model verbs and how we use them within everyday sentences during our English lessons. During maths we looked at equivalent fractions and during food tech we made delicious pancakes. We also completed our minecraft cities project during our creative curriculum lesson.

Today we have finished off our half term by discussing ' The rights of a child' and how sharing what we think that means for us before finishing off our day enjoying our in-class cinema experience with yummy popcorn.

We hope our learners all have a lovely and relaxed half term break 

February 2021 - Spring term - Week 5

This week in Alan Turing we have continued to discover more tales from Greek Mythology with this week's tale being ' The 12 labours of Hercules' in which we discovered all the tasks Hercules was made to undertake to be forgiven for his deadly actions! 

During our maths lessons we have learnt how to calculate the area of irregular shapes and looked at simple fractions. During our food tech lesson with Cathy, we made either scrummy flapjacks topped with melted chocolate or yummy chocolate muffins, all tasted delicious!

To end our week, we have discussed what a 'want' or 'need' would be and how sometimes it can mean both. We also made some tasty hot chocolate bags topped with marshmallows to take home and enjoy.

January 2021 - Spring term - Week 3 & 4

All our learners have had a brilliant week this week and last and have worked extremely hard. We have continued with our Greek Myths over the past two weeks, focusing on Icarus last week and Pandora’s Box this week, which they all seemed to enjoy. Learners also engaged in work on complete sentences, learning all components and forms of punctuation and have learnt different types of words such as nouns, verbs and adjectives. 

During math’s we have moved onto now looking at the area of rectangles and compound shapes and have completed more complex questions with multi step problems.  

For our science lessons, last week learners created a solar powered box from cardboard and tinfoil to show how the solar power works to heat things up. This week they have moved on to learn who discovered Oxygen and how flames burn due to Oxygen being present.  

We had a wonderful food tech lesson again this week and made some yummy marshmallow that we then used to decorate some biscuits with. The learner also melted down chocolate and used googly eyes in order to turn their decorated biscuits into poo emojis.  

Finally, we have continued adding more places to the towns/cities that the learners have been building as part of the creative curriculum and we were able to use the VR as a reward for all the hard work the learners have put in. 

January 2021 - Spring term - Week 2 

This week we have been very proud of our learners whom are working hard at home to complete their home learning, despite how challenging we know this can be.

Within our English lesson this week we continued looking at stories from Greek Mythology with the focus of learning being the tale of Perseus and Medusa. We also looked at how we use possessive apostrophes with plurals.

During maths we continued to look at the perimeter of solid shapes, as well as working out how to find the perimeter of unusual shapes when not given all the measurements. 

We have also been looking at time and helping those whom are still struggling, how to tell the time by using our class resources.

During food tech we made some delicious cupcakes which we later decorated with yummy icing.

Finally, we continued to create our own town or city during creative curriculum using minecraft.

January 2021 - Spring term - Week 1

This week in Alan Turing it has been quite different to our normal week, due to new restrictions placed upon us all. However, we have worked hard to try and keep the routine as normal as possible for our learners within class and provided home learning for our learners at home.

For our maths this week we have started to learn how to measure the perimeter of a shape, in English we have started a new topic, Greek Mythology and learnt the story of Theseus and the Minotaur and during our Food tech lesson we cooked pasta, making our own sauce from scratch using various ingredients.