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Welcome to Winston Churchill Class

June 2021

Learners in Winston Churchill have been busy creating again! They have been looking at the Lollipop Artwork of British Artist Sarah Graham, they have created some fantastic and realistic work in a variety of materials, including pencil, pencil crayon, watercolour, oil pastel and paint.


In English, learners have been looking at the Titanic and personification, Owain created the wonderful poem below, really bringing the ship alive.

March 2021

Learners in Winston Churchill have now completed their portraits in the style of artist Julian Opie. Learners have enjoyed working on canvas, and we are incredibly proud of the outcome, we can't wait to see them displayed with their other work from this project. Can you identify who is who? 

February 2021

Creative Curriculum

The class have been working on a Creative Curriculum project. They began by creating amazing collages all about their likes and hobbies. They have now started working on creating self-portrait canvases in the style of artist Julian Opie.

January 2021

This half-term, Winston Churchill have been studying hard and producing some fabulous work!


Our English book of study is 'Holes' by Louis Sachar and our learners have been thoroughly enjoying investigating and deciphering the mysteries of Camp Green Lake. We have been focusing on the main character of Stanley, and tracking how the author shows development and progression in his character through the chapters. 

We have loved the camper's nicknames and even looked at developing our own set of nicknames in class!


Maths has brought on the dreaded task of Algebra!

Although hesitant at first,  learners in Winston Churchill have blown us away with the amount progress they have shown. Their understanding and commitment to something new has shown incredible perseverance and has left them all with a great sense of achievement! Next stop, getting negative numbers involved!

Creative Curriculum

Our creative curriculum project has utilized Minecraft education and we, as a class, have been developing a Multi-Cultural society.  Our class 'town' has been developing over the past 5 weeks and includes many essential buildings and features to be fun, inclusive and functional. This week we have been focusing on law and order and have begun to develop police, fire and hospital services for our town. We've even included at courthouse and jail!

The learners have really loved working on this project over lockdown and the town is developing very nicely! A great sense of accomplishment for all and the teamwork has been phenomenal!

March 2020

In English, we have been studying poetry. The learners have read several different poems and practised using poetic techniques in their own work, including similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia and alliteration. Learners then used all their knowledge to plan, draft and type up their own poems inspired by an animal. They have all produced some outstanding work!

In Art, Winston Churchill have studied drawing animals from photographs. They really enjoyed practising shading to make their drawings look realistic. The learners all worked really well as a class and have really built their confidence in their creative skills.




February 2020

In Maths this term, the learners have been working hard to understand and use different measurements and solve problems involving litres and millilitres. This has also helped them to measure ingredients carefully and accurately during Food Tech lessons, where learners have baked some very impressive and delicious breads.

In Science, we have been exploring different forces. Learners focussed on magnets, conducting an experiment to see which type of magnet was the strongest and could hold the most paperclips. Learners worked hard to ensure their experiment was a fair test.



 ​​Art & Design - January 2020

This half-term, Winston Churchill have been studying different art styles using a range of paints and pastels. They demonstrated their skills with oil pastels by researching and recreating some of Monet's famous paintings.


Maths - January 2020

In Maths, the class have been looking at translation and reflection of shapes, using tracing paper and mirrors to alter the positions of shapes in a four quadrant grid. This has helped our class move on to identifying coordinates on a grid and they have really got stuck in. They all worked hard and created some very impressive work!

In English, the class have studied Greek Myths and Legends. They have been reading about the 12 labours of Hercules and practising creative writing skills, producing some fantastic stories describing their own 13th labour for Hercules. As well as producing some first person journal entries in the shoes of Hercules as we look at each of his quests.



 Outdoor Education - October 2019

During the Autumn Term, Winston Churchill class enjoyed exploring nature in Cock Robin Wood, Coombe Abbey, Ryton Pools and Daventry Country Park. They practised outdoor skills, including fire lighting, den building and wildlife spotting.